Archive for ‘Baby Care’

2011 29 March

Why I Support Genital Autonomy

Here we go… This is sort of a mission-driven, advocacy-related, agenda-ridden post, so please beware!

Image via

Before I became pregnant, things like circumcision never crossed my mind. Then I found out I was having a boy, which I dreaded because I had to make *that* choice… To circumcise or to leave intact? I was pretty sure from the get-go that I would leave him be – why mess with what didn’t need messing with? I didn’t have a partner to argue with over it. The choice at that point was all mine. I consulted a few friends on the matter – both new parents and peppered pros; both parents who chose to circumcise and those who left their children intact; doctors of mine and my child’s. The following are some of the questions I raised (from hearing of potential problems) and some responses I got; additionally there’s some commentary from me.

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2011 7 March

Milestone Alert: Sitting Pull to Standing!

This evening, little Kola surprised me… okay not totally surprised me – I knew it was only a matter of time, but… HE STOOD! He was sitting on the floor next to the couch, I walked away for two minutes, and came back to find him standing against the couch! Yikes! He even did it a few more times for me, even allowing me to capture it on video, as seen below…

I’m enjoying watching Kola mature and develop, and look forward to the advances forthcoming!

“A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.” – Carl Sandburg

What are your kids doing? Share in the comments or comment on the FaceBook.

2011 27 February

Home-Made Baby Wipes

At the Panda Residence, we are constantly trying to cut our daily costs through the guise of trying to go green. Case in point: baby wipes. We go through at least 10 a day, usually closer to 15, depending on how many poops we’re blessed with. If you figure that one package of about 70 costs about $3, I’m spending $3-6 dollars per week on wipes. That’s about $20 per month, evened out. Extrapolate out… $240 per year. Zoinks! For less than the cost of a large box of wipes (about $15), we’ve made some home-made wipes and wipes sauce to use at home (we’ll probably stick with disposables while we’re out and about… I hate traveling with Biohazards on deck).

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